Sunday, October 25, 2009

Introducing my goats...

Really my goats are my pets... I started with Zach and Daniel and then added Scarlett and Scooter later... and they are so much fun :)

Gracie starts volleyball games this week .. 2 each week til Thanksgiving.She was moved up to the 6th grade team ... quite an accomplishment. Nik has Tiger Scouts this week and I'll be doing a trip with the band to the last football game on Friday I sure hope it doesn't get too cold by then !!

Ok so here is my layout using Granny's Farm by Charlie's Digiscraps available at DSO

Aren't they so cute !!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

It HAS to warm up...

Last week was soooooo cold and I'm so not a cold weather person :) Oh well it is supposed to get up into the 60's at least a couple days this week that is better than the 40's !!!

While I've been holed up inside the house keeping warm I have been doing layouts... these two are from LP and 3 Dogs Designs at DSO ~ Dream Project


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wow... I actually did a few minor changes to my blog...

Ok nothing fancy but it's HUGE for me !!! I hope it looks a little more dressed up than it did ...midterms were yesterday... Gracie has all A's and Nik has all A's but needs improvement in his handwriting.. however it took me 15 minutes to read that from the teacher b/c her handwriting is HORRIBLE. So I'm thinking "pot ... kettle... black ??!!??" I mean at least he's 7 what's her excuse??

Ok on to a lighter topic.. finally was able to scrap.. I've been dragging... and running like crazy to the kids activities... and fighting off not feeling the best .. blah ... but this kit Changes created by Loucee Creations as DSO is just full of beautiful rich fall colors... you'll love it.

Here are my layouts using it ....